Monday, May 28, 2007

Junk Mail Turned Into A Post

Someone sent me this today and I figured for you people who want to know more, I'll answer it here.

1. Name: Wendi Tiffany Manning
2. Birthday: 3/15/1971
3. Are your parents still married? No
4. Any siblings? Yes 1 brother and two sisters
5. Any pets? A cat named Spenser
6. Are your parents still alive? My mom is.
7. Have you ever been in love? Yes
8. Are you now? Yes
9. Are you happy? No
10. Where were you born? Evanston IL
11. Hometown? Chicago
12. Coffee or tea? Coffee
13. Coke or Pepsi? Apple Juice
14. When is the last time you did something stupid? Friday night
15. What is the most memorable dream you've had in the last month? Doing shots of blood with Boz at Gambler's
16. What 3 things would you save from a fire? Sybil's ashes, my Joey Ramone shirts and my purse
17. What is your biggest travel fantasy? To spend 2 weeks in Greece
18. What is the favorite place you've visited? New York City
19. Have you ever done drugs? Yes
20. Do you lie? Yes
21. Have you lied in this questionairre? Yes
22. Who do you want to meet the most alive or dead? Charles Barkley or Gia Carangi
23. Do you like to dance? Sometimes
24. Are you going to forward this to anyone? No
25. If you are will anyone answer? Probably

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Ok all, listen up. I've got a lot to say and I am only going to say it once. I am who I am, period. I'm growing, changing, laughing, hating, scratching people off my list of friends, and occasionally adding new ones. I am unpredictable, wild, sarcastic, bitchy, mean, friendly, generous and overly tolerant. I'm an exhibitionist and a recluse, I'm a flirt and a tease, I'm self confident and terrified of the world, I'm pretty and I am ugly. I give and I take. I make bad choices and I make good ones. I am fearless cause I don't give a damn. What you see is what you see, it's never what you get. I'm highly private and that is the only constant. Sure, I may twitter on endlessly about something, but whatever that is, is almost always a cover for whatever I don't want to talk about.
I'm not as thin as I used to be...I'm neither a 2 or a 22, but I'm not at the size I want to be either. I don't know what that is honestly, I just want to be Wendi-sized. That'll be the size that makes me feel the healthiest and most comfortable. If that turns out to be a 2 so be it, if it turns out to be a 22, whatever. Whatever size that is though, it's mine and I'll be fine with it.
Thanks to all of the people in the last few months who have told me how pretty and beautiful I am. I appreciate it. Now stop trying to get in my pants. I'm not an idiot, and the few of you who are really close friends who do it should be ashamed. Yes, on my weird nights, I'll show you my bra, but that never means I want you in it. To anyone who says I'm asking to be hit on go fuck off. I could be wearing a suit of armor and be hit on. It's not my looks, it's my personality. I know that, and so do most others. Of course, there are people who hit on me which I accept most gracefully and sweetly, but I still haven't slept with them.
I'm fighting a lot of anger these days because I'm just fed up with how I get treated by certain people and how it's an endless cycle of idiocy. How did it get this far, beats me, but it did, and I'm dealing with it.
For everyone who whines in e-mail...did you not read the leave a comment section.... that I avoid all the important things in my life in this blog, this posting is essentially for you. I like keeping my privacy, and if you read this blog carefully, you'll find out a lot of personal things. No, it's not a set of clues, but what I'm thinking and feeling does come out, you just have to pay attention. The stupid list of songs from my shuffle is incredibly personal and telling, if you're looking at the right passages. The list of the nicest guys in darts tells you something that a lot of you know but it's the only comment I will ever make on it in writing and it is easily one of the most important things in my life. It's all in there people, quit whining and read, don't skim and then make catch all comments. I see through them and then ignore your next e-mail.
Which brings us back around again to my personal life. There's probably a reason it's called that. There are things that I will share with you in a conversation that I will never put in writing definitively on this blog. Sometimes what I'm thinking might hurt someone else or doesn't need to be confirmed in writing. If you need to know it, you will, I promise each and every one of you that. I remember reading that a musician friend had died on Yahoo news, it hurt twice as much because I was just reading and it was there. That is exactly what I try to avoid here. Sorry, but for scandal, and outpourings of my darkest desires, talk to me, it won't be here.

No list...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

An Empty Kinda Life

The last few days I've been feeling so restless, underappreciated, and just generally unhappy. I'm not bummed enough to call it a depression. I think it's more stagnant than anything else.
There's an entire world out there and I'd like to see some of it, but have pretty much figured out it's not going to happen. The reclusiveness has nothing to do with it, it's just not in the cards so to speak.
I feel like somewhere, I made a wrong turn and I don't have the energy to backtrack and undo that turn. I'm not even sure I know where it was anyway. There are probably a lot of people with a lot of votes as to where that turn was, and I have my suspicions as well, but they're not particularly relevant to this right now.
I used to believe that drama was the key to excitement in my life. I now understand that it's not, but where did the excitement go? Where's the passion for life that I used to have? Where's the motivation to deal with anything or do anything? Actually, it's the passion that I'm missing the most. Everything is just so very routine and honestly. boring that I'm losing what little mind I can still lay claim to. I want a little excitement, passion, fun, how much is that to ask from life? Sure, every life gets bogged down in the mundane, but this is just dragging out a lot longer that I expected or ever wanted.
There's a definite lack of feeling special, pretty, desired, whatever. No, this is not the place to be leaving comments of "Awww you're pretty", they will be deleted immediately. It's just that my life seems so empty compared to what I feel it should be. So, I guess, I'm just bumming today. Sorry. there's more, but I don't feel like talking about it here right now. Maybe tomorrow3, maybe never. Maybe tomorrow will be about dead musicians. :)


Monday, May 07, 2007

I Am So Humbled

I read a blog the other day that just blew me away. While I don't claim to be an amazing writer, I always thought I got my thoughts across pretty well. Then I read Lena's blog, . This woman is an amazing writer. She posted the link on the lala underground board and I just figured I'd skim it and leave some inane comment. The next thing I knew I read the whole blog and wished she'd write a book. It's awfully inspiring. I know I'm going to step up my writing because of her and it still won't come close. Read this, bookmark it and tell her you love her! No list....
