Sunday, January 25, 2009

Email Gone Blog Part Whatever

I've been writing a lot of serious stuff and decided to just have fun on this post.

1. If you could remove one food from the planet what would it be? Green Peppers
2. One movie? One??? The Apple Dumpling Gang
3. One Actor? Antonio Banderas
4. One Actress? Renee Zellweger
5. One band? The Grateful Dead
6. One color? Why do these things always ask about colors? Orange
7. One number? None...I think we need them all...
8. If you could only eat one food forever what would it be? Pickles
9. One movie? Rock And Roll High School
10. One tv show? Law and Order CI
11. One band? Motley Crue
12. One flower? Fire and Ice Rose
13. One piece of technology? Cell phone
14. One type of make up? Eyeliner
15. One piece of clothing? Little black suede boots
16. One actor? Steve Buscemi
17. One actress? Sandra Bullock
18. One tv actor? Tony Shaloub
19. One book? The Sicilian
20. One album? Appetite For Destruction

Easier than I thought.
