What's your definition of important? Is it a person you have? Someone you had? Someone you want? Is it money? Is it power? A way to sleep peacefully at night? Fear? Lack of fear? Faith in God? Faith in yourself? What the neighbors think? What's important to you? Can you buy it or sell it? Is what is important to you even tangible?
What's important to me has never come from outside of me. What's important to me is what I think, what I hear, what I see, smell and touch. A song lyric can be more important to me than my next paycheck. The right look from the right person is always more than oxygen. All that comes from inside me. I made the song or the person important and I can probably make them unimportant too. But I never will.
There's a song in my head for every occasion. Actually there's usually two, what was actually playing and what should have been. That's fun for watching the news, but in general it's annoying. The perfect song is usually never playing when it should be. Dancing to that Motley Crue song I mentioned awhile ago is an example of the right song at the right time. It was the perfect song, with the perfect person and there wasn't a bit of oxygen in the room. But even at weddings where you can pick the song you want to dance to I wonder at people's choices.
The music sets the mood for everything I do, always has, always will. I've got the music picked out for my perfect wedding, perfect funeral and every single instance in between. There are songs for falling in love, falling out of love, hell, even doing the dishes.
There are songwriters who can usually hit my buttons really well. Axl Rose, oddly is high on the list. His love songs are perfect and his hate songs are wonderful to feel. Nikki Sixx doesn't rank high on the love song list but he can hit any other emotion I've felt and some I never knew what they were until his words took me there. For love songs there's always Boy George and Jack White, and Joey Ramone. For pain songs there's Trent Reznor, Marilyn Manson, Jack White and Layne Staley. Courtney Love's amazing for pain and hate. For pretty pretty music that can make me smile or cry there's Andy Wood.
My point here is that the feelings that motivate me may start from Jack White singing It can't be love/ For there is no true love. But what is it that makes that line ring true? The answer is what is important to me.
There seem to be a lot of people who are having relationship problems right now. People I actually know, not some celebrity bullshit. People are moving away from them, emotionally or physically. People who wanted something now want nothing. Mental pictures painted are being repainted with new people. Dreams aren't there to play with at night anymore. And it's all so terribly important isn't it? Yeah, actually it is. There's a song for all of them and pretty or ugly song lyrics for every situation. I could quote them all a million words and some would get it and some would try to have me committed. But remember the song that was played when you had your first dance as a kid? First kiss with your first love? The song that played that one special day out with your friends? Did you know that a weirdly high number of my male friends lost their virginity to Ozzy's Over The Mountain? But you remember all those songs. I remember much better the song that playing when I first had sex with the love of my life than the one that was on when I lost my virginity. And... that... is my point. Essentially, it's all inside your head. Not the answers, but the release valves to work your way through.
I can't help everyone I know with their love problems, and I don't want to. Talking is great but I have no answers that will work, no one does. I can give a bunch of experience and a list of great songs to think about, but I've never saved anyone the way music saved me and I know I never could.
Surprise.... no list. That'll be on Monday and it'll be long.
That's it,
15 years ago
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