Monday, September 24, 2007

This is my odd to do list. Things I need to remember to take care of before the end of next month. This time of year gets clogged up with stuff, so, maybe if I write it out, I'll remember them all.

1. October 7th... The White Stripes show. Oops, no, that got cancelled. Cool, already one thing scratched off.
2. October 18th... Van Halen show, but that's super iffy, so we'll count that as scratched off too.
3. October 20th.... Sweetest Day. We don't really celebrate it, but my mom still expects some sort of remembrance, so maybe I'll get her a magnet. Not being cheap, she collects them.
4. October 23rd... Call my friend Boz and wish him a happy birthday. Easy enough.
5. October 30th... third anniversary. Figure out gift, which is harder than you'd think. My husband is really hard to shop for.
6. October 31st... Halloween. My favorite holiday. I will spend most of October decorating my house and buying candy for all the trick or treaters we don't get. I usually just buy candy we like, I've learned over the years.
7. Call my friend Shawn.
8. Call my friend Sil.
9. Call my brother.
10. Call my ex stepmother.
11. Nag my husband about calling his sister.
12. Call my friend Kathy.

That's about it. Super boring list, but it's easy writing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll bet you $500.00 you won't make even one of those phone calls.