Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Death Letter

This is the final post on this blog. There is a new one at www.therocketprincess.blogspot.com
I want a place that I can continue to write in the same vein, without the silliness of this blog. All my rants about the BBS will still be alive and well, except as an added bonus, you get to watch as they are cut out of my life. A lot of the posts I promised, Michael Jackson, The White Stripes, Appetite For Destruction and others will finally be posted there. There will also be closure on some subjects covered extensively here, such as the "friends" who need to go (see it live...coming soon!) and other fun stuff.

Thanks for reading this for as long as you did and I hope you'll come over to the new place with me....it'll be a much better read, I swear.


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