Monday, May 28, 2007

Junk Mail Turned Into A Post

Someone sent me this today and I figured for you people who want to know more, I'll answer it here.

1. Name: Wendi Tiffany Manning
2. Birthday: 3/15/1971
3. Are your parents still married? No
4. Any siblings? Yes 1 brother and two sisters
5. Any pets? A cat named Spenser
6. Are your parents still alive? My mom is.
7. Have you ever been in love? Yes
8. Are you now? Yes
9. Are you happy? No
10. Where were you born? Evanston IL
11. Hometown? Chicago
12. Coffee or tea? Coffee
13. Coke or Pepsi? Apple Juice
14. When is the last time you did something stupid? Friday night
15. What is the most memorable dream you've had in the last month? Doing shots of blood with Boz at Gambler's
16. What 3 things would you save from a fire? Sybil's ashes, my Joey Ramone shirts and my purse
17. What is your biggest travel fantasy? To spend 2 weeks in Greece
18. What is the favorite place you've visited? New York City
19. Have you ever done drugs? Yes
20. Do you lie? Yes
21. Have you lied in this questionairre? Yes
22. Who do you want to meet the most alive or dead? Charles Barkley or Gia Carangi
23. Do you like to dance? Sometimes
24. Are you going to forward this to anyone? No
25. If you are will anyone answer? Probably


Anonymous said...

Blood? Was it his? That's important information you know. See my comment on your wrong turn to see why you're not happy. Miss you.

Wendi Manning said...

I don't know if it was his and shut up. Miss you too.

The Vapid Voice said...

Ugh, blood, "miss you" aphorisms, bleck. Icky icky icky.